I've been told this is where my elevator pitch goes. Problem is, I work from home. I've forgotten what the inside of an elevator looks like, or how I'd pitch myself to a visiting CTO from the continent. But bear with me and I'll do my best.
"I can teach you stuff... and things!"
Now if that's not an honest and heartfelt elevator pitch I don't know what is. And it's true, I can. But most importantly; I'd like to. I've worked my way up from the dark days of selling mobile phones in the back of a smelly record store, to the halcyon heights of writing automated test frameworks for software that gets delivered to UK Central Government. And I've learnt a lot along the way, things I feel should get shared and added to the knowledge pool so those that come after me can have a less arduous journey than I did. Also I want my peers to gain new points of view from frank and open discussion of our shared experiences. Having said all that, I think my new elevator pitch for this blog is:
"I'd like to teach you some things. Things I think can and will help you. But I'd like it to be a discussion, not a lesson." Tweet this
Want to craft a cutting edge test framework, or bake a delicious artisan loaf? Let me show you how.
That's right, I said bake. While this blog is going to be very technical, full of helpful code snippets, and overflowing with discussion on the place of testing in modern software development, I am also going to include content from another skill I learnt the hard way, how to create an edible loaf of bread. If I'm honest, baking was probably the harder skill to learn, and I'm keen to share my experiences in this area too. But fear not, I shall endeavour to keep the two as separate as possible, so if one subject holds no interest for you it should be easy to avoid.
As I've said above, I'd like to teach you things, I enjoy teaching people. But I don't want it to be prescriptive. I don't want to tell you what you should learn, I want to teach you what you want to learn. So please, subscribe to this blog, comment on it, tweet me, let me know what it is I can help you with and I will.
Can I request a picture of a bread sponge, please? I want to know if they look like real sponges. Also please turn off authentication on your comments, it's a barrier to commenting.
ReplyDeleteHello Alec. Thanks for the comment. The commenting authorisation was an unfortunate oversight on my part that should now have been rectified. As for the picture of a sponge, I'd be more than happy to oblige, expect a post on using sponges in your baking soon (sadly baking posts in reply to comments will take a little longer than technical posts due to having to actually bake for picture purposes. But I promise you it will be as quick as I can possibly make it).